Freshcare has undergone extensive participant and industry stakeholder consultation, to make positive changes to the unannounced audit requirements in our Standards; Food Safety & Quality 4.2 and Supply Chain 2.
After receiving feedback from participants and industry, Freshcare consulted across our stakeholder groups to understand the impact of unannounced audit requirements on growers and businesses. View the Freshcare Consultation Journey below.
We are pleased to release our new rules and changes to FSQ4.2 and Supply Chain 2 Standards, with the amended unannounced audit requirements. Please read the information following which outlines the changes.
Rule Amendments
These changes have resulted in an update to the Rules for each of the Standards.
Please download the Industry Advice Notice and Rule changes as they apply to the program you participate in.
These changes come into effect from 1 September 2023.
If you have any questions or require assistance interpreting these changes, please call us on 02 8039 9999 or email your enquiry to: [email protected]
Program updates and rule changes are communicated to program participants via direct email and made available on FreshcareOnline, and the website here: Freshcare Standards Resources.
Page last updated 28 June 2023.