Freshcare is a purpose-driven industry benefit organisation with program and participation fees captured to contribute to the day-to-day operational costs, and further developments of the Freshcare programs.

Freshcare is a registered charity with the ACNC and does not receive any government or levy funding. Over 95 per cent of our revenue comes from participant fees.

Through participation fees, we are able to maintain a small and committed team who you can contact directly, for support on your certification journey – with all our support on Australian shores.

To keep you informed of how your fees support Freshcare to provide Certification programs, resources and tools, a breakdown of Freshcare income, operational costs and participation per standard is detailed in the graphic above and further explained below.

Freshcare fees are payable on registration, and when a business seeks certification, and re-certification to a Freshcare Standard.

Other fees are only applicable per service or order, such as training manual purchases; accessing logo use files; reissuing certificates; or certification deferral fees.

Freshcare Business Registration Fee

The Business Registration Fee applies to new Businesses joining Freshcare to gain certification. The Business Registration Fee of $250.00 (ex GST) is paid online, on completion of Sign-Up to Freshcare.

Freshcare Participation Fee

The Participation Fee is collected by Certification Bodies on behalf of Freshcare Ltd.  Freshcare Participation Fees are charged per program at the time of audit and are payable to your contracted Certification Body.

A Freshcare Participation Fee line item will appear on your invoice for audit, per Standard (see fees in the table below). The Freshcare Participation Fee will be remitted to Freshcare Ltd when your audit is complete.

Freshcare Participation Fee Schedule – effective from 1 June 2024

For more information on Freshcare Participation Fee Schedule Click Here.

Where Do Your Fees Go?

  • Participant Support (25%)

    25% of your participation fees directly contribute to the functions that allow us to support participants in each of the Freshcare Standards. This includes:

    • Service desk and administrative services
    • Participant access to Employee Assistance Program via Telus health
    • Database and IT management
    • Website and communications
    • Accounts receivable
    • Finance and HR functions
  • Advocacy & Participant Recognition (20%)

    20% of your participation fees directly contribute to recognition initiatives and advocacy for certified participants. This includes:

    • Participation in Industry Working Groups
    • Government and Regulatory Engagement
    • Market Access and Retailer Recognition
    • Conference Attendance and Presentations
    • Annual Review and Case Studies
  • Governance (20%)

    20% of your participation fees directly contribute to the Governance functions of Freshcare Limited Standards. This includes:

    • Freshcare Board of 8 Directors (representatives across Horticulture, Wine Industry and Food Sectors)
    • Executive office and operational functions
    • Quarterly Board reporting
    • Finance Risk Audit and Compliance Committee
    • Financial audit and ACNC reporting
  • Maintaining Standards & Programs (10%)

    10% of your participation fees contribute to maintenance and upgrades to the Freshcare Standards. This includes:

    • Maintenance of Standards and supporting resource
    • Standards reviews and rule upgrades
    • Auditor tools and resources
    • Annual Auditor Calibration
  • Benchmarking & Accreditation (10%)

    10% of your participation fees contribute to benchmarking and accreditation processes undertaken for each of the Freshcare Standards. This includes:

    • Certification Body Management
    • Benchmarking and accreditation activities per Standard:
      • Food Safety & Quality – GFSI Benchmarking
      • Supply Chain – GFSI Benchmarking
      • Environmental – Reef Assured – Accredited Recognised Program for Reef Protection Regulations (Bananas)
      • Wine Industry Sustainability Standards – International Benchmarking to Systembolaget
    • GFSI Benchmarking and Certification fees
  • Product Development & Innovation (10%)

    10% of your participation fees contribute to program and product developments; research and investment in innovation. This includes:

    • Audit model changes and developments
      • Wine Industry – additional audit models
      • Two-Part audit models
    • Data security, IT and API integrations
    • Add-on module initiatives.
  • Freshcare Led Committees (5%)

    5% of your participation fees contribute to Freshcare Led Committees. These include:

    • Technical Steering Committee (Standards) 
    • Industry Collaboration Committee (Strategic)
    • Information Technology Committee (Innovation)

Looking for more information?

Read through the FAQs

Contact the Freshcare team on 02 8039 9999 or [email protected]


This page was last updated on 4 June 2024.