Liz Riley is an independent viticulturist consultant and trainer based in the Hunter Valley, working across NSW. She has over 30 years of experience in the Wine Industry with expertise in pest and disease management, agrochemicals and biosecurity and also works as an industry trainer.

She has experience with the implementation of the Sustainable Winegrowing Australia and certification to the Freshcare Australian Wine Industry Standards in Viticulture (AWISSP-VIT) and Winery (AWISSP-WINE).

Liz can provide training to AWISSP – VIT (and WINE) to viticultural/wine business and regionally based groups. Call Liz to discuss your training needs.

Freshcare Training Available

AWISSP – Viticulture Edition 1 (AWISSP – VIT1)

AWISSP – Winery Edition 1.1 (AWISSP – WIN1.1

Training Locations


Delivery of Training

In person

Group and one-on-one sessions