Workplace culture is one of those buzzwords that we all hear about, but what does it mean for your business? Culture refers to the values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours shared by individuals and groups within an organisation. The culture fostered in your company shapes how your team behave at work and drives your business outcomes.

In a food business, nothing is more important than ensuring that your products are produced safely 100 per cent of the time.  Implementing the right culture of food safety, shared equally across every person in the business, will help you achieve the best food safety outcomes.

A strong food safety culture is one where food safety is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders, from governance through senior management to front-line staff and where everyone is committed to continuous improvement of food safety practices.

This culture is characterised by knowledge of and commitment to compliance with food safety regulations and standards, open communication about food safety risks and incidents, continuous training and education, and a willingness to invest in food safety initiatives and technologies.

Additionally, creating a culture where training and skills development is a priority has surprising additional benefits. Employees are more engaged, more productive and more likely to go the extra mile when they feel like they are valuable and that their actions matter.

Where food safety is concerned, it’s sometimes the small things that can make the difference, such as noticing potential risks and choosing to do something about it instead of taking a ‘not my job, not my problem’ attitude.

Actively fostering the right food safety culture across your team will support effective food safety practices throughout your business.

Satinbird Education, in association with Freshcare, have developed a program that is designed to assist your business to build a food safety culture that works and is cost-effective.

Assurance Essentials is conveniently delivered online and allows you to upskill a broad range of personnel who may not be directly responsible for QA or the management of the Freshcare Program, but whose role would benefit them to have a general understanding of food safety requirements for general business operations.

It is not only a valuable way to develop a food safety culture across your workforce, but an opportunity to show your team members that you’re prepared to invest in growing their value to your business, building engagement and boosting productivity.

Do you have multiple team members that you would like to upskill? Bulk discounts are now available to access Assurance Essentials for your whole team.

Both Satinbird and Freshcare staff will be at Hort Connections 2023. It’s a great opportunity to discuss your training needs.

Get in touch now to set up a coffee meeting by emailing [email protected]