Food Safety Programs Recognised by Freshcare
The Freshcare Food Safety & Quality Standard (FSQ) and Supply Chain Standard (SCS) outline specific requirements under Element F11 Suppliers (FSQ4.2) and M6 Supplier Management (SCS2), for produce represented for sale as Freshcare certified.
Freshcare certified businesses sourcing or packing other produce must ensure all produce they represent for sale as ‘Freshcare certified’ has been grown and packed by a business currently certified to Freshcare FSQ or SCS or currently certified to an alternate, approved GFSI benchmarked standard.
Details of food safety programs recognised by Freshcare can be found in the table below (as referenced in the appendix of the standards)
Please note: From 1 January 2019, Codex HACCP was no longer a food safety program recognised by Freshcare.
Codex HACCP was third-party audited by an ISO/IEC17065:2012 accredited Certification Body, was previously accepted as a food safety program recognised by Freshcare up until 1 January 2019.