Phoenix Power Recyclers (PPR) is an organic waste material recycling facility with Organic Certification to their products. We receive Food Organics and Green Organics (FOGO) and Green Organic only (Mulch) and we shred these on site or come as shredded (from Council sites). We perform risk assessments on all our feed stocks. PPR currently manufactures in excess of 50,000 cubic meters of finished compost per annum. Our facility uses in-vessel composting as opposed to open windrow composting. The in-vessel composting is a robust composting process where the composting floor has the capability to force air through the compost pile.
In-vessel compost is also connected with a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system where we monitor and make sure every batch successfully passes each composting process and phases such as – Warming up, Pasteurization, and conditioning. Later, processed and pasteurized materials will be made into windrows where a Pathogen test will be performed. Once the pathogen test comes back as a pass, the windows will be set for further maturity and stabilization.
PPR’s signature ‘Prescription Compost 100’ is used to make landscape soils, soil conditioners and other growing media for agricultural and horticultural applications through premium soil-conditioning distributors. Phoenix Power Recyclers test their Compost and Soil against AS4454 and AS4419 respectively plus does real plant experiments to confirm the medium is supporting and benefiting plant growth and maturation. Products are available as fines (<15mm) and as per customer requirements.