JAS-ANZ accreditation to ISO/IEC17065 for the following Standards Freshcare Food Safety & Quality (FSQ4.2) Freshcare Supply Chain (SCS2) JAS-ANZ Accreditation Register – AUS-QUAL |
AUS-QUAL™ is a national service provider across a number of Agriculture and Horticulture sectors. AUS-QUAL provides a range of certification services and is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) to certify quality management systems against the (ISO 9001-2015) and Food Safety programs (HACCP).
AUS-QUAL works closely with the Australian agricultural and horticultural industries in the development; documentation and implementation of appropriate on farm HACCP based food safety management systems in the food production, processing and food service sectors.
AUS-QUAL currently provides a range of auditing and assessment services including:
- Freshcare:
- Food Safety & Quality
- Food Safety & Quality – Supply Chain
- Environmental
- Sustainability Viticulture (AWISSP-VIT1), and
- Sustainability Winery (AWISSP-WIN1)
- Coles (in conjunction with Freshcare, BRCGS, SQF or GLOBALG.A.P);
- Aldi (in conjunction with Freshcare, BRCGS, SQF or GLOBALG.A.P);
- Costco (in conjunction with Freshcare, BRCGS, SQF or GLOBALG.A.P);
- Woolworths Supermarket (WQA and Ethical audits);
- Food safety HACCP based quality system auditing on behalf of State Government Authorities;
- Organic (The National Standard for Organic & Bio-Dynamic Produce);
- USDA NOP (The United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program);
- GLOBALG.A.P FP (Fresh Produce) and GLOBALG.A.P IFA (Integrated Farm Assurance);
- SQF (Safe Quality Food);
- B-Qual;
- Egg Standards of Australia (ESA);
- The Australian Wood Packaging Scheme) AWPCS;
- Pet Food Standards (Pet Food Industry Association of Australia) PFIAA;
- Ethical Audits, including, GRASP, SEDEX, Fair Farms;
- Certification of Codex HACCP based Food Safety Programs for the food production, processing, and food service sectors;
- Spotless Catering Supplier Audits;
- The AUS-MEAT Accreditation Program;
- The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS);
- The National Saleyards Quality Assurance Program (NSQA);
- Department of Agriculture; EU Certification Arrangement System;
- Livestock Production Assurance (LPA);
- LPA QA (CATTLECARE / Flockcare);
- GAP (Global Animal Partnership);
- PCAS (Pasturefed Cattle Assurance Scheme).
For AUS-QUAL enquiries please contact 1800 630 890.