Freshcare Certified businesses that also have a requirement for approval to the Harmonised Australian Retailer Produce Scheme (HARPS) can now benefit from a single user-friendly resource that incorporates both standards. Growers and supply chain businesses can benefit from these forms starting today.

Quality Manager for Perfection Fresh, Glynn Fraser, piloted the resources in recent audit preparation and says combined resources have streamlined the auditing process considerably.

“It makes the additional HARPS requirements clearer and provides a comprehensive, single resource that is concise, organised and clear.

“The unified format reduces time wasting in both standards, and stress over uncertainty whether everything is covered,” Mr Fraser said.

Freshcare CEO Jane Siebum says it’s a great step forward for our participants who are meeting the demands of multiple audit requirements for retail markets.

“We are thrilled with the feedback we’ve received from businesses who’ve piloted the use of this resource.”

“The more growers, participants and businesses we can get certified, the more retail market access Australian businesses have, which in turn assists the longevity and sustainability of our industry.”

“This project has been a truly collaborative effort between two organisations, who want the same positive outcomes for industry,” Ms Siebum said.

Tristan Kitchener, Managing Director of One Direction ANZ, the managing entity for HARPS says it’s great to be working more closely with Freshcare to help improve the audit experience for growers and suppliers.

“The collaborative documents are aimed at assisting Tier 2 suppliers with their transition to HARPS Version 2.0, in addition to the existing guidance that is available on,” Mr Kitchener said.

How to access resources:

Please go to your Freshcare Online account to access the Freshcare & HARPS combined resources at

For any enquiries please email [email protected]

Sharing information with your organisation or members:

Please share this announcement with your network of growers, members, and businesses. Many of your members are Freshcare Certified and HARPS approved.

This project demonstrates that as an industry we can work together, to help and support our community and network of participants, growers and businesses.