Freshcare congratulates Macquarie University Business students; Olivia Bailey, Brayden Dilley, Matthew Fakhoury, Ben Martin, and James Purkiss on winning the 2021 Professor Judyth Sachs PACE Prize for their Applied Leadership Industry Project.
With 7000 student participants and 1000 partners taking part in the PACE program, only 12 students received the prestigious Macquarie University awards.
The PACE Student Leadership Prize recognises students who show outstanding leadership skills by managing or coordinating a group of students, managing a project, or using excellent skills in areas such as communication, problem-solving and relationship building.
The award-winning research project provided an industry value proposition for Freshcare, reporting on the perceived value of the organisation from a survey conducted with industry stakeholders.
Freshcare CEO, Jane Siebum attended the award ceremony earlier this week at the university, to congratulate the students on their achievements.
“It’s an honour to contribute to the process of education and learning for this group of talented students,” said Ms Siebum.
“This group of students were professional and dedicated to the project. They all have great potential in furthering their careers post-graduation.”
“Freshcare is focused on community, growth and sustainability of our industry and we hope to see some of these students working in horticulture, wine and grape professions in the future.”
The assessment panel spoke highly of the contribution and quality of the team’s research. The report made a tangible impact on Freshcare, providing valued insight into future opportunities for the organisation.
On behalf of the project group, student Matthew Fakhoury thanked Freshcare for the opportunity and said they believed this project improved all their future employment prospects.
“We really appreciate the beyond reciprocated commitment and support from you and your colleagues throughout the project,” he said.
“It most definitely encouraged us to test ourselves and deliver a report above the quality we initially thought possible.”
“Employers continuously repeat that technical skills can be learnt on the job, but to have robust interpersonal skills is difficult to teach without the experience similar to what we were exposed to.”
Freshcare hopes to continue working with Macquarie University students, offering practical experience and furthering learning for future generations.
Freshcare Internships
We would also like to thank the invaluable contribution of our recent Macquarie University interns, Berna Koyuncu and Angelo Andrew.
Working within Freshcare’s Marketing and Business Teams the interns played critical roles in recent organisational strategic initiatives.
If you are interested in Freshcare’s internship program, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.