Freshcare in partnership with Hort Innovation continues to invest in understanding compliance implementation for horticulture growers and businesses across Australia.

The broader goal of the multi-organisation Regulatory Technology (RegTech) project is to explore emerging solutions and technology systems that could make it easier for growers to demonstrate they are meeting compliance requirements through the supply chain.

The Volunteer Technologist Working Group (VTWG) had its first meeting this month, with the goal of developing a framework to identify potential solutions that could address growers’ compliance challenges. Members discussed the answers to the following questions in various sessions:

  • What high-level technological approaches could simplify how growers and auditors identify, track, and manage their compliance obligations across various programs? 
  • How might we automate the navigation of compliance programs and legislative requirements for growers? 
  • How might we integrate program and legislative requirements to reduce overlap and improve compliance efficiency? 
  • What does the maintenance and governance of the discussed solutions look like? 
  • How could a system ensure that compliance obligations remain clear, up-to-date, and accessible for all stakeholders, despite the varying requirements across states, crops, and programs? 
  • What would a successful, high-level management system look like in terms of user experience, scalability, and adaptability for both growers and auditors? 

We look forward to providing further insights and findings of the VTWG – a full list of members below:

Freshcare is collaborating with Hort Innovation on this project ‘Developing a RegTech framework and applications across horticultural value chains (ST22009)’ funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

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